This section describes the basic procedure for connecting to the internet.
If you have a wireless connection, or connect to the internet through a modem (including an ADSL modem), and this section does not work, you should read «Wireless Cards» or «ADSL Connections».
To connect to the internet:
- Open → → .
- Select the connection you wish to use, then click Properties.
- Ensure Enable this connection is turned on.
- If your ISP or network administrator has given you an IP address, set Configuration to Static IP address, then enter the address in the IP address field and click OK. Otherwise, set Configuration to DHCP and click OK.
- To activate or deactivate network connections, select your connection, then click
Many wireless cards are automatically detected by Ubuntu during installation. To see if your card is supported, open «Basic Procedure» to connect to the internet. A complete listing of wireless cards which work with Ubuntu can be found online at the Ubuntu Wiki. Please add your wireless card to the list if it works with Ubuntu.
→ → . If your wireless card is listed, you can followSome cards may not work automatically with Ubuntu. If this is the case, please look at the Wireless Troubleshooting Guide on the Ubuntu Wiki which is an excellent resource for troubleshooting wireless cards.
If your wireless card does not work with Ubuntu, you may have to do some research in order to activate it. A good way of getting a wireless card to work is to use the ndiswrapper tool which allows Ubuntu to use the Microsoft Windows driver for the wireless card. To do this, follow the instructions below in «Windows Wireless Drivers».
All other information regarding wireless networking on Ubuntu is collected at Wireless Networking Central on the Ubuntu Wiki.
Even if your wireless network card does not have a native Linux driver, you may still be able to get it working with ndiswrapper. Ndiswrapper is a Linux module which allows Ubuntu to use the Windows driver for wireless cards (in most cases).
These instructions apply only to the x86 and AMD64 versions of Ubuntu, and not to Ubuntu for Power PC (PPC).
If you have access to the internet, you can see if your wireless cards is in the list of cards supported by ndiswrapper on the ndiswrapper website.
To install ndiswrapper, install the package ndiswrapper-utils (see Глава 3, Установка, удаление и обновление приложений). This package is provided on the Ubuntu CD. If you have access to the internet, you can also optionally install a graphical tool, ndisgtk from the Universe repository.
In order to set up ndiswrapper, it is necessary to obtain the Windows driver for your wireless card. Generally, the best way to do this is from the CD supplied with your wireless card. You should copy two files to the same place on your computer, one ending in .SYS and one ending in .INF. If you find any files which end in .BIN, also copy those. If you are not able to find the right files, and have alternative access to the internet, you may be able to obtain help from the ndiswrapper website.
If you have installed the graphical tool ndisgtk, to set up ndiswrapper, simply select → → from the menu, and follow the instructions given.
If you have not installed the graphical tool, use this procedure:
- Open
sudo ndiswrapper -i ~/Desktop/drivername.inf
The above command assumes that your .INF file is named
and was copied to your Desktop. Replace these values if necessary.
→ → and type:
- To check if it is working correctly, type:
ndiswrapper -l
If it is working correctly, you should see:Installed ndis drivers: {name of driver} driver present, hardware present
- For ndiswrapper to function, you need to load a module. To do this, type:
sudo depmod -a sudo modprobe ndiswrapper
- To ensure that the module is loaded each time you boot the computer, type:
sudo ndiswrapper -m
You should now be able to connect to the internet by following the instructions at «Basic Procedure».
All PPPOE and router-style ADSL modems that use an Ethernet connection are supported by Ubuntu, and some USB ADSL modems are supported too.
For a router-style ADSL modem, simply follow «Basic Procedure»
For information on setting up a PPPOE ADSL modem see «PPPoE Modems».
For information on setting up a USB ADSL modem see «USB ADSL модемы».
This section is about setting up an ADSL Internet connection using an ethernet PPPoE modem.
You will need to have subscribed to an Internet Service Provider, and your Internet connection must be installed and functional. A "DSL" light on your modem usually shows that the line is synchronized.
You will need your username and password for the account. You must also have an ethernet card connected to your PPPoE modem with the correct type of cable.
Finally, you need the PPPoE package to be installed in order for the following command to work. This package is installed by default, but can be missing if the configuration has been changed. If the following command does not work, you will need to install this package, which can be found on the Ubuntu CD.
To set up the modem:
- Open → →
- In the terminal type:
sudo pppoeconf
- A text-based menu program will guide you through the next steps, which are:
- Confirm that your Ethernet card is detected.
- Enter your username.
- Enter your password.
- If you already have a PPPoE Connection configured, you will be asked if it may be modified.
- Popular options: you are asked if you want the 'noauth' and 'defaultroute' options and to remove 'nodetach' - choose "Yes".
- Use peer DNS - choose "Yes".
- Limited MSS problem - choose "Yes".
- When you are asked if you want to connect at start up, you will probably want to say yes.
- Finally you are asked if you want to establish the connection immediately.
- Once you have finished these steps, your connection should be working.
To start your ADSL connection on demand, in a terminal type:
sudo pon dsl-provider
To stop your ADSL connection, in a terminal type:
sudo poff dsl-provider
Часто драйвера для ADSL USB модемов являются проприетарными, с закрытыми исходными кодами и ограниченной лицензией, и соответственно не могут поставляться с Ubuntu. Для инициализации модема вам потребуется скачать эти драйвера из интернета на компьютере с рабочим подключением. Скачанные драйвера установите в Ubuntu.
USB очень далек от золотой середины сетевого доступа, если у вас есть модем и его можно подключить как к USB, так и к сетевой карте или сетевому маршрутизатору, то лучшим решением будет подключить его через сетевой интерфейс, чем USB порт.
Так как любая инсталляция USB модема требует доступ к интернету для загрузки необходимых проприетарных драйверов, а так же настройку, которая не описана в этом руководстве, все что мы можем сделать - перечислить модели USB модемов, которые работают в Ubuntu со ссылками к инструкциям по установке на сайте справки сообщества Ubuntu.
Инсталляционная процедура USB модемов отличается в зависимости от производителя и модели вашего модема. Чтобы идентифицировать модель вашего модема, обратите внимание на название и число на передней стороне. Возможно, что вам придется поискать этикетку, чтобы обнаружить точное название модели. Проконсультируйтесь со списком ниже, чтобы узнать, какой драйвер ваш модем требует и обратите внимание на ссылку.
Когда вы идете он-лайн для загрузки необходимых драйверов, вы можете пройти по соответствующим ссылкам загрузки драйверов на странице с инструкциями по установки, относящейся к нужной модели USB модема.
- Модемы Speedtouch:
- Модемы, использующие чипсеты Analog Devices Inc. eagle-usb I, II или III (такие как Sagem Fast 800, Comtrend ct 350 и др.):
- Модемы основанные на Connexant AccessRunner:
Большинство телефонных модемов не поддерживаются Ubuntu, но возможно вам удастся найти драйвера для вашего модема. Для начала вам надо определить чипсет, который используется в вашем модеме.
Прочитайте этот файл, в нем вы найдете название чипсета, который использует ваш модем. После того как вы узнали чипсет, просмотрите и следуйте инструкциям для вашего модема. Дополнительная информация находится в Настройка модемов в вики Ubuntu.